How Needing Nothing Attracts Everything3 min read

You’ve lost your favorite pen. You’ve looked everywhere for it, and it still has yet to be found. It’s been weeks, and you just don’t feel the same. You’ve lost sleep, and now you can’t eat. The separation anxiety has reached its peak, and now you’re now at a plateau. Slowly but surely you’re starting to gain your life back again. Your appetite has come back little by little. Your confidence is back and you finally decide to buy yourself a new pen. It’s all you’ve ever dreamed of. It has glitter on it, and it writes and stuff. You can’t wait to journal with it. On your way home, you adjust your car seat forward and notice there’s a jam. When you check to see what’s jamming it, you find good ol’reliable. So now you have two pens. The end. Sike. Let’s dive deeper into how needing nothing attracts everything.

This has happened to us all at one point or another. We have something that we love, or need, or cherish that gets misplaced or lost. We go through a frenzy to find this item and end up unsuccessful in the search process. Eventually, you accept that this item or thing is no longer apart of your life anymore and decide to move on, and once you do, EUREKA! What you had stopped looking for found you!

These “events” are not always literal. It could translate as once having had a boyfriend, then not having a boyfriend. Searching for a new boyfriend, and meeting trash guys. Then you stop searching for a boyfriend, and said future boyfriend finds you, and now you’re in a (healthy) relationship. You still with me? Good. Moving on.

Don’t get it twisted, this is not giving up. It’s simply going with the flow of life as life goes on with or without you. This is acceptance that creates space for abundance to flow into your life.

It’s not a lie, nor a joke how letting things go can prove beneficial to one’s life. No matter how simple, detaching yourself from the bigger picture can improve one’s health in the form of less anxiety, better immune system, and lower risk of depression.

Once you begin the process of letting go, it releases negative energy into the universe. This release creates space for newer and better things to enter into your life. Yes, sometimes it really is that simple. When you know you’ve given it your all, take pride in that, and let things be.

Your life is exactly where it is meant to be at this very moment.

So take a breath, and stop searching for that pink sock that you lost yesterday. I’m sure it will pop up in your refrigerator when you least expect it, like “How’d that get in there?”. Besides, your home girl from sixth grade bought you an 8 pair set for your birthday party next week. I promised I wouldn’t tell. So please act surprised.

Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing.

Sylvia Plath