How to Stay the Course4 min read

stay the course by prioritizing your wants needs and or desires

So let’s just say you have goals. And to attain those goals, you set expectations. For example, you decide you want to become a digital nomad. You want to travel the world freely, and work virtually from anywhere around the world without restriction. You’ve got your game plan in check. You’ve saved up, started your online businesses, got your AirBnB’s, and now you’re ready to take off on a whole new adventure in this thing called life…but you’ve met someone. They’re everything you’ve ever dreamed of. He or she smells nice. They don’t brush their teeth in the shower. They even eat their vegetables. MY GOD how could you be so lucky?! But there’s one small problem, they’re not too fond of your digitally nomadic lifestyle. Or they don’t like travelling. Do you sacrifice your dreams for love? Let’s talk about how staying the course helps you attain your goals.

It’s no doubt that communication is a huge part of human society. If not for communication, we wouldn’t know that Tupac or Biggie died.

It’s no doubt that communication is a huge part of human society. If not for communication, we wouldn’t know that Tupac or Biggie died. But what about communication in our daily lives, especially the communication we share with our loved ones? Some would like to say that they don’t care about what other people think, but what happens when these people are your friends, family, children, or lovers? Does the same mindset remain when their views don’t align with yours?

Our views on life, and the way we see life in general differs from person to person. Some people may click with you 100% on nearly almost everything. Some people may click with you on half, some may just never click with you at all. And that’s ok. Other peoples’ views become a problem when their views become a hinderance to your dreams.

How does one deal with this situation? You want to go to school to master music engineering, but your parents want you to become a doCtOrRrR (no offence to doctors, but let’s face it, not everyone is meant to be a doctor, ok?) You love your parents dearly, but they hit you with the “I’m not covering additional tuition expenses if you don’t choose this major!” This is a crucial moment and can be damn near detrimental to your entire being, mental health, let alone your future. How do you stay the course here when you have no support?

prioritize your wants needs and goals

Firstly, one needs to think about what’s truly important to them. One must prioritize their wants, needs, and goals over someone else’s even if it means you may have to sever the relationship. If it’s your parents, I mean, welp, you can’t really sever that relationship, because they’re you parents. Some people do though. So IDK. The point is, you have to figure out what you want more.

Second, you have to keep in mind that you may end up doing everything alone. But really though, what difference would it make? It’s either you have the lack of support to begin with, or you’ve given up, or let go of your passions, and or dreams because you may deem something else to be more important at the moment. Either way, major decisions will be made, and you may or may not have to give a little, take a little. Staying the course is never an easy task. There are distractions everywhere. But remember to always keep your priorities in check.

I can go on and on about weighing your options and priorities, but I’m not your mother. Maybe you’re here because you need advice, maybe you can’t make up your mind, or maybe you’re just damn lucky and you have all the support in the world that you could possibly have and you fell upon my page becaussssse…boredom. Only you hold the remote to this video game we call life. Choose wisely. Get lost. Find your way. In the end just remember to stay the course. It can all be so simple.

“Always remember, your focus determines your reality”

George Lucas