Why Being a Little Selfish Is Good For You3 min read

self care isn t selfish signage

I’m not talking about the “no I’m not sharing my juice” selfish here. From the age of young we’re taught to share our things. When we’re little those things cost us what? A Barbie and a Ken? When you hit adulthood those things usually cost time and money. Let’s be for real. Money is something you can get back at least, but time? I don’t know how much a time machine costs, but I’d be afraid to go back and warp a whole new future outcome just to turn back time. Time is, priceless. Here’s why being a little bit selfish is good for you.

It’s still in fact good to share.

It’s still in fact good to share. What is the saying? Sharing is caring? The act of sharing expresses gratitude and inspires others. Studies also show that sharing with others releases oxytocin, a hormone that produces a state of wellbeing. This is a good thing. But when you start to feel drained, stressed, tired, dehydrated, or even anxious, maybe you’re doing a little too much. Maybe it’s time to save some of that “share” for yourself.

You may feel, resentment. You may feel like you should’ve never lent a helping hand ever. Don’t feel this way.

Being selfish is regarded as…selfish. It does not carry a positive connotation. There may have been people in your life that you may have loaned money, lent them your car, picked them up from point a to point b when they didn’t have a ride. One day you just don’t feel like doing it. Whatever “it” is. And you say, “no”. That person, or those people may act like you never helped them out a day in your life. Sometimes that can be hurtful. You may feel resentment. You may feel like you should’ve never lent a helping hand ever. Don’t feel this way. This is just how some people, people around. I don’t have a fancier word to use. *shrug*.

Being a little bit selfish is good for you.

Being a little bit selfish is good for you. You can be selfish with your time. Not everyone should always have access to you. Know your limits. It’s ok to lend a helping hand from time to time, but you don’t owe anyone anything. You don’t need to give an explanation. I don’t care if you have plans to do nothing. Say you have plans, and plan on doing nothing, dammit.

You can be selfish by not feeling guilty.

You can be selfish by not feeling guilty. Now you’ve said no, and you feel bad. WTF!? Why?! Today is for you! Go eat some Jeni’s ice cream, put on GOT re-runs and bum it out for 3 hours. This is YOUR life. Be selfish like you mean it!

You can be selfish by having priorities.

You can be selfish by having priorities. You’ve had your whole day planned out. From A to Z and now PTA for little Susie Lee says you need to bring cookies for XYZ and that’s the only miniscule time of the day you’ll have alone to yourself all week. F*ck those cookies. Take a nap. You DESERVE IT.

Be selfish by asking for help.

Be selfish by asking for help. Even super heroes need help sometimes. It’s can give you a well needed boost or even help you avoid a total meltdown just by having someone to help with a small task. The worst anyone can say is no. If they do, than screw it, just do it tomorrow.

These are just a few of my favorite ways to be selfish. Because I care about myself. I want to make sure I have enough energy saved up for me at the end of the day, and for the things that matter to me the most.

 “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”

— Anne Lamott