How Confident Are You With You?2 min read

self confidence, self adventure, self love

Sometimes at work for lunch, instead of getting to go, I’ll actually get a table for one and enjoy my meal solo. A coworker asked me why I ate out alone instead of getting my food to go. McScuse me? What’s so wrong with me eating my lunch in a cafe or restaurant by my lonesome? ” I would NEVER do that!” she said. So of course I fell into her trap and asked why. Of course she had no valid answer. ” I just won’t!”. So then I asked ” Are you scared?”. Scared of what other people you don’t know, who don’t pay your bills, feed you, clothe you, or love on you are going to think about you eating by yourself…for lunch??? I didn’t say all that extra but you get my point. I honestly just laughed, but then I wondered how confident are you, with you?

Why would you be so consumed by the thoughts of others, that it inhibits your ability to live your best life?

In order for one to be comfortable with others, one must be comfortable with one’s self. Otherwise, you’re just out here selling a false facade, an Instagram filter. You’re not showcasing your true self.

Have you ever been to the movies alone? Have you ever eaten out alone? Are you always in a relationship because you’re afraid to be alone? I just said a word, I know. PREACH.

Contrary to unpopular belief, there’s a comfort and calm that swarms over you when you obtain the confidence to venture out on your own accord. People are afraid of “loneliness”, but there’s nothing to be afraid of. Show of hands. How many times have you been surrounded by others, yet felt alone? That’s because “loneliness” is a state of mind. To be alone is poverty of self, but riches lie in self solitude.

When you lack confidence within yourself, the universe can feel it.

Those little negative “I’m not good enough”, “I can’t do it”, “I need to have someone” voices start going off in your head and out into the universe, and now you’re vibrating at a low frequency. Just like people and animals can feel the vibes of others, so can the universe and the earth feel yours. Don’t feed the universe junk, unless you want junk fed to you in return. Elevate your thoughts, which in turn will elevate your mind, which ultimately will lead to elevation of self.

Don’t fall into self affliction with insecurity and lack of self confidence. Rise out of the abyss that holds you back and keeps you from venturing into the unknown parts of you. The parts you’re not too sure of. Take a small leap of faith and believe in yourself. Be capable, be willing, be strong and feel the happiness and joy pour into you on your journey.

The best way out is always through

-Robert Frost

2 thoughts on “How Confident Are You With You?2 min read

  1. Great read!
    I eat out alone, go to movies alone, and travel alone. I can’t imagine not doing something I want to do just because I would have to do it alone.
    I also encourage my daughters to do the same.

    1. That’s awesome! There’s something empowering about doing things alone. It aids on building confidence and adding character. Glad you’re teaching your daughters! It’s enlightening, no matter how subtle the experience.

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