Manifestation: How to Self Manifest the Life You Desire2 min read

dream, imagine

To start off, manifesting something means to bring a “thing”, whatever that thing may be, to fruition. To manifest something, is to bring something intangible to life. Those intangible objects are your thoughts. Do you know how to self manifest the life you desire?

I focus a lot on thought process, because well, it’s VERY IMPORTANT. One thing about me is my lack of tolerance for negativity. Negativity is the bane of many peoples’ existence. Unfortunately, some people love to bathe in a nice warm bath of negativity stew.

I’m going to be very layman’s terms here, because life really is that simple. Imagine a movie of your life right now at this moment. Press play, stop it, rewind it, and play it again. Are you content with what you saw? If you are, then great! This post isn’t for you! Ha! But for those of you who felt something was missing, did you know that you can create the life you desire?

Now play that movie again, but this time imagine all of your wants and desires in your movie. If you want success, imagine your rise to the top. Imagine that family you’ve always dreamed of, or that baby you’ve been trying to have. What about that trip you’ve been wanting to go on? Or that car you’ve always wanted? Pop those images into that big screen movie of yours. Feel the money you’re counting. Grip the steering wheel of the new car you’re driving. Enjoy that plane ride to your bucket list destination. Imagine the life you want.

Of course faith without works is dead, but by manifesting your wants, desires and positivity into your life, you increase your vibrational frequency.

That ” vibe” that you felt from that person who ate your Cheetos in the break room…yeah, that’s the vibration I’m talking about. You must increase your vibrational output to increase your vibrational input.

One thing to keep in mind, is to keep these thoughts to yourself. The reason being is because the negative folk that I had mentioned earlier may begin to hate on your new outlook on life. That in turn may taint the precious movie you’ve created for your present and your future. Negativity is inevitable, but what matters most is that you CHOOSE to remain positive.

Don’t yearn for more, yearn for better.

Self Explorer