Monday Treats: Find Peace Through Organization2 min read


Now I don’t know about you, but I can’t think straight in the middle of disarray. Lack of organization and clutter filled spaces mirror itself in your mind. It causes a sense of distraction, discomfort, and unease. Learn how to find peace through organization.

Constructing a simplistic and organized space is kin to peace and quiet. Making things feel less “loud” and feel more settled. One can create a harmonious space that is suitable for concentration, focus and tranquility through organization.

I’m no Feng Sui connoisseur, but I like cleanliness and organization even though I hate cleaning and organizing. Can you relate? Awesome. Let’s be friends.

For those of you who are over organizers, or borderline OCD, click the X on the top right hand corner of the screen. This may trigger you.

When it comes to organizing, the first thing we ask ourselves is usually where to start. It’s impossible to organize everything all at once, unless you’ve got the funds to hire a home organizer to do everything for you. Start small. Everyone sleeps ( unless you’re a vampire), so why not start with your room?

Here are a few ways to make your room feel more “roomy”.

  • Make your bed – Ideally, making your bed is a small task that not only generates a small sense of accomplishment every morning, but it literally gives your room a face lift, and a tidy look. Try a new bed set to create a whole new mood.
  • Bed Shelf – If you really want to go simplistic and ditch a whole nightstand altogether, then try a bed shelf. It gets annoying charging your phone on the floor, or on a nightstand that’s eons away. It helps to simplify your bedside essentials in one area without taking up space, and being easily accessible.
  • Plants – This doesn’t help with organization, but it does help uplift the mood. Plants also help purify the air we breath.
  • Under Bed Storage – Storing your out of season clothing, or decor away for the season right under the comfort of your bed is a simple way to keep things tidy, and easily accessible for future retrieval.
  • Shoe Rack – A good shoe rack never hurt nobody! Try a bench level rack if you have space and want a special touch of decor. Or stick to a space saving over door shoe organizer for simplicity.
  • Floating Wall ShelfFloating wall shelves really give a room the feel of openness. Use them as a bookcase, or a place to keep your keys, place your plants, or candles.

In conclusion, keeping things organized keeps your mind at ease. Besides that, it also lifts a weight off of your shoulders, and leads to a more peaceful space.

How did you treat yourself today?

The one thing you can control is how you treat yourself. And that one thing can change everything.
