Monday Treats: Trying Something New3 min read

"try something new"

Good morning Vietnam! Hope you are having a wonderful day. This Monday treats topic is going to be about trying something new. Trying new things can literally be about trying anything. From reading books, (or trying audible because you hate reading), to traveling solo, or even trying new foods. These are all ways in which you can explore yourself to see what you really like, or hate, and also enjoying the ride while doing so.

Here are ten new things you should try.

  1. Solo Travel: Solo travel is one of my most favorite things to do. For some reason people shy away from solo travel because they’re afraid to go alone. They couldn’t be more wrong. When solo traveling, you meet other solo travelers. Aside from meeting up with other people of like interests, you’re on your own timeline. There’s no negotiating what to do for the day or the whole trip for that matter. Sleep when you want to sleep. Eat when you want to eat. Leave when you want to leave. Your itinerary is completely in your hands and your hands only. Choose your choice of a hotel, Airbnb, or hostel to stay. Solo travel creates a new found bond within yourself. Almost like meeting a new friend or lover, you discover things about yourself that you may not have realized in the past. It’s truly a learning experience. There’s nothing to fear. No one is going to kidnap you or kill you any way more than possible than in your current home town. Be selfish. Besides, you might get addicted.
  2. Sports: No you don’t have to play pee wee baseball. There are actually a lot of adult clubs for numerous sports activities. Look up your local YMCA and see what different types of activities they have to offer.
  3. Volunteer: Volunteering can really become an eye opening experience. Based on the type of volunteering, your experience may vary. Additionally, a new found respect is always gained.
  4. Pay it forward: Paying it forward always places a smile on someone’s face. Including yours. It let’s people know that the world does have good people in it. Next time you go to the drive through, ask to pay for the person behind you. Only change your mind when it’s a super high bill. 🙂
  5. Meditating: Meditating has a life altering effect indeed. It creates a more stable and focused mind which leads to a more stable and focused life. Your mind gets stronger, and in return, so does your being.
  6. Go to a concert alone: Although at first scary, you can meet many new people this way. You’re less intimidating alone than when you’re with a group of friends.
  7. Try a new hair style: Getting a hair cut, or changing your hair color creates a new dimension to your personality. It’s a great energy booster, and says watch out! But before you make your drastic change, make sure it looks nice. 🙂
  8. Cut off toxicity: Toxic relationships exist. Especially between people that are even semi close to each other. But how does one steer clear from it? Cut that sucker off like Floki did to that guys finger in Vikings, that’s how. Nothing in this world should cost you your peace. Do yourself a favor and flee from toxicity.
  9. Rest: Believe it or not, there are in fact many people who NEVER TAKE BREAKS! How could you deny yourself such guilty pleasures?! Rest is a necessity! We as humans are not meant to be on go mode 24/7. Can you say burnout? Mmmyeah. Just because you’re lounging, or reading a book, or watching T.V. does not make you a lazy unproductive person. Love yourself. Love yourself HARD.
  10. Fasting: Although I’m no doctor, fasting is without a doubt a great way to improve your health. In addition to improving your health, it aids in weight loss. Beach bod, here we come!

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

Neale Donald Walsch