Second Guessing Your Intuition2 min read


It’s happened to us all. You meet someone you begin to trust, but something about them seems off. This feeling is ignored, and before you know it, they’ve stolen your favorite lipstick, spread lies about you, or cheated on you. Why ignore that feeling? Do you not trust yourself? Are you giving the benefit of the doubt? No matter the circumstance, stop second guessing your intuition.

Our bodies are amazing. From our abilities to heal, create, and regenerate, all the way to our emotions and thoughts. We are capable of greatness, no matter how simple the task at hand.

The average human body is equipped for survival. We eat to survive, think to survive, we even sleep to survive. Our intuition also helps to aid in our survival. In life, we generally have a good idea of right from wrong. The experiences we go through affect our future selves, and help to mold our personalities.

When things begin to seem off about a situation or a person, it’s usually because we’ve either been through a similar situation, or the situation itself just does not add up. Why then do we act surprised when betrayed or when something goes terribly wrong? The gut feeling was there, and yet there you are. Our intuition is there to signal us. It’s a red flag that says “Hey! Slow down, let’s think about this OK Self?” Why then allow the comments of ” I don’t know what you’re talking about?” infiltrate your mind, especially if the situation at hand has already revealed itself? Cliche quote here, but actions speak louder than words, and hit dogs holler.

When your intuition tells you to leave, leave. If it says run, run. When it says step back, step back. Don’t let people tell you what you should be doing, or how you should be feeling. You’re a pink starburst that knows what you’re talking about. Trust in yourself. Trust in your feelings, and trust in your heart.

Self doubt is a monster. It’s there to destroy you. When it rears its horns, be aware and be ready for the internal struggle, but never let self doubt win. In the end we whisper ” I knew it!” and kick ourselves. Now that you know, don’t let it happen again. Next time you feel something’s not right, act accordingly. Success and greatness resides in you. Somebody say Amen!

You go you pink starburst you.

Intuition is a sense of knowing how to act spontaneously, without needing to know why.

Sylvia Clare