Are People’s Perception of You Your Responsibility?2 min read

How many times in life have you done something, or not done something because you were afraid of what others would perceive of you? Does it really matter what others think of you? Are people’s perception of you your responsibility?

The answer can be subjective. Overall to me, the answer is no.

For instance, one day you decide to go to a concert by yourself. People’s minds go in many directions when someone decides to do things alone. They begin to think you might be lonely, and might offer to come with you. Another may assume that you have no friends. Someone else might think you’re brave. In this instance, does them possibly thinking you’re a lonely, stuck up, snob become your responsibility? Of course not. Don’t dare think you’re responsible for changing how they think of you now either.

Although we shouldn’t, people judge people. Don’t let people’s judgments about you become your responsibility. Nothing is wrong with you, and if you find yourself wanting to change yourself so that you can fit in to other people’s standards, don’t forget to ask yourself who you’re changing for.

Our opinions, our goals, our dreams, our actions, and how we live our lives are some of the building blocks to our personality. They’re the few of many intangibles that make us who we are as people. Furthermore, they set us apart, yet bring us together.

Let me switch this up a bit. You meet a female. She’s very intelligent, well spoken, kind, generous. You find out she’s a stripper. Now all of a sudden, this perfect woman, is now a perfect whore.

Idk about you, but I’ve met some pretty cool ass strippers in life that have been nicer to me than CEOs and directors of fortune 500 companies. Isn’t it crazy how we may judge people’s character based on profession? Now if your profession is murdering people, or robbing banks, I’m judging the hell out of your ass and I’m also running in the opposite direction.

I tell people this all the time. Don’t let your judgement of others prevent you from a great opportunity. Are you aware of how much you may miss out in life by judging people externally? In my experience, taking the time to get to know someone and judging them by their character will often times blow you out of the water.

Above all, do we have to power to control what, or how people think of us? No. Can we help, or change their thoughts or perceptions of us? No. Should we care? Hell no. Do you! Live your life, and don’t let people’s perception of you become your responsibility. Most importantly, follow your intuition. You know yourself better than anybody, and that’s all that matters.

Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are.

Wayne Dyer